Registration to open soon Senior staff of HSF members are invited to "Breakfast with Becca". This is a chance to get together to talk about current challenges and successes. Future sessions may have speakers on relevant topics. This is a member only event. Coffee and bagels will be provided but feel free to bring your […]
For adults hoping to improve their nutrition in order to avoid or live well with chronic conditions, this workshop teaches nutrition basics, label reading, and meal planning, and practices cooking basic recipes to overcome barriers to healthy eating for older adults. Tues., Feb. 11–March 25, 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Provides information and practical skills that build self-confidence and help participants assume an active role in managing problems specific to chronic pain, including fatigue, frustration, and poor sleep. Tues., Feb. 11–March 25, 3–4 p.m.
Liberty Bank Financial Literacy Series with Springfield Housing Authority Tuesday every Month beginning Oct 29 4:30 to 5:30 82 Division Street Springfield, MA Oct 29: Money Management: How and Why to Bank? Nov26: Money Management- How to work with a budget! Dec 17: Credit: How to build/ rebuild credit and why? Jan 25: First […]
A cough can be normal, but when is it something more? Am I breathing something into my lungs that puts me at risk for lung cancer? Join Dr. Eduardo Núñez, Baystate Pulmonary, for a discussion on the signs of lung cancer and the importance of early screening. Learn about the risks from tobacco, vaping, marijuana, […]
HSF is happy to welcome Ankit Virimani, international expert in the field of ethical uses of generative AI. Ankit will be giving a brief keynote discussing advances in AI technology for use in the non-profit field and on the issues and challenges being discussed on a broad scale. You are being invited to join in a conversation to presenting him with the hard challenging questions that are your personal hesitations/stumbling blocks/fears to see if we can address them together.
Teaches practical strategies to reduce the fear of falling and explores medical, behavioral, and environmental risk factors for falls, stressing the importance of developing an exercise plan. Wed., Feb. 12–April 9, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
This free online self-care series was developed to help prevent caregiver burnout but is open to anyone experiencing heightened stress in their lives. Presenter Reina Goldberg will teach simple techniques to build core resilience including mindfulness, gentle movement, and guided visualization. No experience is necessary. All ages are welcome, and all exercises can be done […]
MSA is thrilled to announce the return of our Youth Career Pathways Initiative, supported by AmeriCorps’ Volunteer Generation Fund. WHAT: Matching grants up to $20,000 that support the creation, expansion and/or replication of promising models that better engage volunteers in youth career development programming/support OR engage youth in skill-building/career development service WHO: Nonprofits and Volunteer Connector Organizations […]
For people with mild age-related memory challenges, Memory Training teaches memory-enhancing techniques and practical strategies to boost memory functioning. Thurs., Feb. 6–27, 2–4 p.m.
Techniques to improve symptoms of chronic conditions, such as healthy eating, relaxation techniques, communicating, goal-setting, problem solving, and more.
Give new supervisors the skills they need to succeed. If you are planning on promoting, or have just promoted someone to a supervisory position help them hit the ground running with this 8 week course. With HSF’s strong team of seasoned presenters covering a wide range of knowledge from different points of view, we cover theory, soft skills, and hard facts. Conversation topics range from harassment law and insurance liability to finding common purpose in a team and how to show faith in those who work for you, and much much more.
Give new supervisors the skills they need to succeed. If you are planning on promoting, or have just promoted someone to a supervisory position help them hit the ground running with this 8 week course. With HSF’s strong team of seasoned presenters covering a wide range of knowledge from different points of view, we cover theory, soft skills, and hard facts. Conversation topics range from harassment law and insurance liability to finding common purpose in a team and how to show faith in those who work for you, and much much more.
For adults with pre-diabetes or diabetes or their caregivers, this workshop teaches the basics of balancing medication, diet and exercise, techniques to deal with hyper/hypoglycemia and meal planning, stress reduction, and more. Thurs., Feb. 20–March 27, 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
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