Whether you want to buy a house or a car, pay off your student loan debt, or understand how to build your credit, Way Finders is here to help. Our […]
MLK Day is January 20, 2025! MassMutual Center Sunday, January 20, 2025 12:00PM – Arts & Wellness Expo 2:00PM - Program Each year, as we gather to honor the life […]
CHD’s All In Youth and Adult Recreation Sled Hockey is hosting its 15th Annual sled hockey games and teams will face off against local celebrities on January 20, 2025, at […]
L.A.N.D. – Living a New Day, A New Norm is a guided program which offers you a step-by-step process, paired with knowledge and skills to create positive outcomes for living […]
This free online self-care series was developed to help prevent caregiver burnout but is open to anyone experiencing heightened stress in their lives. Presenter Reina Goldberg will teach simple techniques […]
Give new supervisors the skills they need to succeed. If you are planning on promoting, or have just promoted someone to a supervisory position help them hit the ground running with this 8 week course. With HSF’s strong team of seasoned presenters covering a wide range of knowledge from different points of view, we cover theory, soft skills, and hard facts. Conversation topics range from harassment law and insurance liability to finding common purpose in a team and how to show faith in those who work for you, and much much more.
Give new supervisors the skills they need to succeed. If you are planning on promoting, or have just promoted someone to a supervisory position help them hit the ground running with this 8 week course. With HSF’s strong team of seasoned presenters covering a wide range of knowledge from different points of view, we cover theory, soft skills, and hard facts. Conversation topics range from harassment law and insurance liability to finding common purpose in a team and how to show faith in those who work for you, and much much more.
This online workshop includes an overview of basic residential rental property management in Massachusetts that provides an introduction to the Massachusetts laws that govern the rental relationship. Important for all […]
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